Beginning the construction of the school main entrance. There will be a required gate with brick walls on either sides of the gate. The rest of the perimeter of the grounds will be a fence.

Beginning the construction of the school main entrance. There will be a required gate with brick walls on either sides of the gate. The rest of the perimeter of the grounds will be a fence.
I gave each person at the party a “quiz” and and answers on the quiz came from these informational sheets on the tables.
With technology, we have made the world so much smaller. A handwritten letter is the best, but a friend suggested to me that I could electronically send the Falcon Heights elementary student’s pen pal letters to the school’s computer in Tanzania via Google Drive. The children in Tanzania will still get the hard copy, but they are previewing the letters right now. They will then write their letters to their pen pal. When my friend arrives at our school, while on her vacation, she will deliver the paper letters and the children will give her their pen pal letters to be delivered back to the USA.
Technology and friends together are amazing!
Emmanuel wanted to share some words for our 2019 Garden Party. He prepared the above videos. What he said is written below. English is his second language, and the growth I have seen in his writing over the past 2 years is amazing!
Greetings to you! I would like to give a short brief of our school Bethany pre and primary school situated at Kisongo in Arusha region,
The school started on 2018 with four classrooms, the ministry of Tanzania education advised us to build more classroom then our school can registered, Husby family leaded with Bethany decided to find the way of making money for building more classrooms and washrooms, through that year Bethany sent some money for more classrooms, the four classrooms were built and total of classrooms came to be 8 with washrooms,
Our school registered as Bethany pre and primary school and the enrollment of students were done and till now we have 162 kids, all thanks should go to Bethany Husby for the great work that she have been doing without tired.
2019 we started another big building, and the building was a dinning hall, we spent alots of money for building the school dinning hall, now it’s going to be done very soon and start renting for the different events and the money will go directly to the school account.
The blessing of God is with us always, last month we had a friend of Bethany Husby who donated some money for building the school library, the construction started on June 28 and till now the engineer is at work, the kids and teachers were so happy to see the construction of school library, they believe that through that library their dreams will come true, the library will be named after Pamrell Larsen and we welcome other friends who would like to build and add to our school.
The kids were in Holiday and they are back to school and surprised by the building of school library, all thanks should go to Husby family together with all sponsors who give support to our kids who are not able to pay the school fees, together we say long live Bethany pre and primary school.
Next we need furnishings such as tables and chairs, so the children can eat lunch in this building, and not in their classrooms.