Ojwang is planting crops to provide lunch food for the school children

Ojwang and two others traveled 7 hours away to plant maize in 20 hecters ( about 50 acres) of fertile soil that they rented. In 5 months he will harvest enough food to feed our school children. The tractor tills the soil and they walk behind and plant the seeds. They were gone one week. When it comes time to harvest, he we will find some people to help do that work, as they harvest by hand.

Every day has accomplishments!

Today, a video was sent today by our teacher, Gasper.  The children are learning new word and actions every day!

Muddy roads are navigated to bring the children to school. Another accomplishment!

The bus can get plenty dirty after a drive like this.

At the end of the day, the school bus is washed and looks pristine!

The school bus needed official identification, so decals were purchased and now we are official!