Rainy season is upon Tanzania, but construction continues the best it can.

The truck was getting stuck in the mud, so had to drop the pebbles unfortunately far away from the workers, but at least they arrived to allow us to make concrete for the classroom floors.

Sand arrived on a drier day.

Ojwang is planting crops to provide lunch food for the school children

Ojwang and two others traveled 7 hours away to plant maize in 20 hecters ( about 50 acres) of fertile soil that they rented. In 5 months he will harvest enough food to feed our school children. The tractor tills the soil and they walk behind and plant the seeds. They were gone one week. When it comes time to harvest, he we will find some people to help do that work, as they harvest by hand.

Work continues–women workers join in–Emanuel, our CEO, says thank you!

Glad to see women can be earning an income too!

Disclaimer alert–This school has been possible because of many many generous people who have a heart to care. 

It is not, and have never been, about me, but rather God’s grace, and His amazing people!

Thank you! You and I am just part of His plan.