Trucking in water has gotten expensive for how much they need to make the concrete. $405 usd has been spent on water and its delivery so far. The contractor suggested they dig their own storage unit or cistern to hold 15,000 liters. It will be 3 meters deep (9.8 feet) and 4 meters wide (about 13 feet.) Hopefully someday soon our own personal water line from the government water line will be built. That will cost $2000 to achieve, and there is some red tape involved, but it will get done. In the meantime, this sounds like a good idea to keep construction rolling along.
Building a cistern to store water for construction purposes. Water won’t be safe for drinking, but someday they will have safe water from a military tap. The military tap line is a $2000 expense, but will be well worth it, as it will provide safe water for the school children.

After the cistern was ready, water was delivered to it for construction purposes.