Roofing was ordered! It was a relatively big ticket item, $3,600 for the steel roof. It will match the color of Ojwang’s home though, a dark brown. Very nice!
After the roof, the paint, the doors, glass windows, along with a water line. Of course furnishings are also being discussed.
The project is still amazingly affordable. What you see so far has cost $12,000. I sent for construction purposes $18,500, but the cash fund is dwindling and they still need to build washrooms, a lunchroom, supply furnishings and hire 3-4 teachers. I will need to infuse some more cash, as my plant sale isn’t until next May. The plan is to ultimately make the school fairly self sustaining. Of course, some children will need financial assistance, but we will figure out those costs after the infrastructure is completed. It is like the “field of dreams,” you build it and they will come! And there are a lot of children in this neighborhood who will come! They have already said so.
Please consider supporting financially this project. It will be making a huge difference for these kids. The school will be enrolling children in January, if all goes according to plan. This project has also given jobs to these workers, and that is awesome too!
Thank you!
I count about 12-13 workers. It is great to providing them a job as well!
And perhaps someday some of their children will attend the school their Dad helped build 🙂